Chibi Captain America

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Simple Present Tense

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (waktu sekarang kebiasaan)
Digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu kejadian yang berlangsung tiap hari yang merupakan kebiasaan ataupun kenyataan.
Positive structure
Subject + verb 1st form

e.g. My father goes to work every day.
We study English twice a week.
They go abroad every year.
The sun shines during the day.
The earth moves round the sun.
*untuk orang ke-III tunggal akan dibahas tersendiri.
Subject + do/ does not + verb 1st form

e.g. Mary doesn’t like to study English.
I don’t understand everything he says.
He doesn’t know French perfectly.
I don’t feel well today.
We don’t need a fan in this room.
Do/ does + subject + verb 1st form

e.g. Do you enjoy your English lesson?
- yes, I do
- No, I don’t
Does this book belong to you?
-          Yes, it does
-          No, it doesn’t
Do they drive to Semarang once a week?
-          Yes, they do
-          No, they don’t
Does your father smoke a lot?
-          Yes, he does
-          No, he doesn’t
Dalam Simple Present Tense untuk Orang ke-III tunggal yakni, He (dia, laki-laki), she (dia-wanita), it (dia-benda/ binatang) ataupun my father, your friend, his brother, etc. kata kerjanya ditambah S atau ES dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
-          Bila kata-kata terakhir dengan Y didahului oleh huruf mati (consonant) maka Y diubah menjadi i lalu ditambah ES.
to study – studies
to carry – carries
to try – tries
to fly – flies
to deny – denies
to marry – marries
-          Bila kata kerja berakhir dengan S, sh, ch, x, o ditambah es.
to kiss – kisses
to wish – wishes
to teach – teaches
to box – boxes
to do – does
to go – goes
-          Yang tidak termasuk dalam ketentuan diatas hanya ditambah s.
to play – plays
to buy – buys
to come – comes
to see – sees
Contoh dalam kalimat:
(+) the bus carries a lot of passengers.
(-) The bus doesn’t carry a lot of passengers.
(?) Does the bus carry a lot of passengers?
-          Yes, it does
-          No, it doesn’t
(+) Mrs. Smith teaches English in our class.
(-) Mrs. Smith doesn’t teach English in our class.
(?) Does Mrs. Smith teach English in your class?
-          Yes, she does
-          No, she doesn’t
(+) My father plays tennis twice a week.
(-) My father doesn’t play tennis twice a week.
(?) Does your father play tennis twice a week?
-          Yes, he does
-          No, he doesn’t
(+) The mother kisses both boys every morning.
(-) The mother doesn’t kiss both boys every morning.
(?) Does the mother kiss both boys every morning?
-          Yes, she does
-          No, she doesn’t
Keterangan waktu tertentu yang digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense :
In the morning/ afternoon/ evening    = pada waktu pagi/ petang/ malam.
Every day/ week/ month/ year            = tiap hari/ minggu/ bulan/ tahun
Once a week/ a month                        = sekali seminggu/ sebulan
Twice a day                                         = dua kali sehari
Every morning/ night                          = tiap pagi/ malam
Kata Keterangan (adverb of Frequency) yang sering digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense antara lain:
Sometimes       = kadang-kadang       
Always            = selalu           
Often               = sering          
Seldom            = jarang          
Never              = tidak pernah
Ever                 = pernah (interrogative)
Usually            = biasanya      
Generally         = umumnya    
Occassionally  = sekali-sekali
Kata-kata ini selalu terletak antara Subject dan Kata Kerja.
e.g. My sister often goes to the movie.
We usually eat lunch at the restaurant.
He sometimes gets up very late.
My brother seldom stays inside.
I always take the same bus to school.
They never come to school early.
Women generally like shopping.
Helen occassionally drives to school/
Do you ever have meal in that restaurant?
Simple Present Tense dengan kata-kata tanya:
Where do you live?
-          I live at Jl. Cendana no. 10.
-          I live on Jl. Cendana.
What time do you get up every morning?
-          I always get up at 5 o’clock.
How often does he go to the movie?
-          Not so often.
How well does Mary speak French?
-          She speaks French perfectly.
How much does it cost?
-          It costs 2 dollars.
Why does he want to study English?
-          Because he wants to get a better job.
Which movie star do you like best?
-          Slamet Rahardjo.
How many new words do you learn every day?
-          I learn ten new words every day.
To whom does this book belong?
-          This book belongs to her.
In which room does the class meet?

-          In room 10.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

5. PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE (waktu selesai sedang)
            Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah dilakukan di waktu lampau dan perbuatan tersebut masih terus berlangsung sampai sekarang dan kemungkinan akan terus berlangsung sampai masa akan datang. Pada umumnya tense ini menggunakan hampir sama dengan Present Perfect Tense.
Subject + have/has been + verb-ING form

e.g.      I have been living here for seven years.
            She has been waiting for John since early in the morning.
            Mary has been studying French for two years.
HOW LONG ....? = Berapa lama.
How long digunakan dalam Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous untuk menanyakan sudah berapa lama suatu kejadian berlangsung.
e.g.      - How long have you been staying in Jakarta?
            I have been staying in Jakarta for seven months.
-          How long has he studied music?
            He has studied music since 1981 up to now.
-          How long has your father been sailing?
            My father has been sailing for more than ten years.
-          How long have you been sick?
            I have been sick for two weeks.
-          How long have they been discussing the matter?
            They have been discussing the matter all day long.
How long juga digunakan dalam Simple Past Tense untuk menanyakan lamanya suatu peristiwa berlangsung di masa lampau tanpa ada hubungannya dengan masa sekarang. Perhatikan contoh percakapan berikut ini:
            X : Last year I visited Bali.
            Y : How long did you stay there?
            X : I stayed there for two weeks.

Present Perfect Tense

4. PRESENT PERFECT TENSE (waktu sekarang selesai)
            Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah dilakukan pada suatu waktu yang tidak tertentu di masa lampau (telah selesai).
Subject + have/has + verb 3rd form

e.g.      I have read that novel
            Father has goes to work.
            The students have finished their excercises.
            We have told John what you said.
            She has returned the book to the library.
*HAS khusus untuk orang ke-III Tunggal.
Present Perfect Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang telah berulang kali dilakukan pada masa lampau.
e.g.      I have spoken to him about it several times.
            We have seen that firm three times.
            He has studied English over and over.
            My sister has visited Bali many times.
            I have tried the restaurant again and again but I don’t like the food there.
Subject + have/has not + verb 3rd form

e.g.      She hasn’t studied English.
            Mrs. Smith hasn’t taught English for many years.
            We haven’t had dinner yet.
            I haven’t seen that film.
            They haven’t phoned me.
Have/has + subject + verb 3rd form

e.g.      Have you seen that film before?
            - yes, I have
            - no, I haven’t
            Have they told you about it?
-          Yes, they have
-          No, they haven’t
Has your sister gone to school?
-          Yes, she has
-          No, she hasn’t
Have you paid your school-fee?
-          Yes, I have
-          No, I haven’t
Has your teacher taught you grammar?
-          Yes, he has
-          No, he hasn’t
Beberapa ungkapan yang sering digunakan dalam Present Perfect Tense antara lain : yet & already, for & since, just.
-          Yet menyatakan suatu waktu lebih lambat dari yang diharapkan.
-          Yet selalu ditempatkan dibelakang kalimat.
-          Yet digunakan dalam kalimat Negative maupun interrogative. (= belum)
e.g.      The class always begins at 8 a.m.
            it is 8.05 but the teacher hasn’t come yet.
            Up to now John hasn’t found any job yet.
            Have you bought the ticket for the game yet? No, not yet
            Has he posted the letter yet? No, not yet
            (belumkah dia memposkan surat itu?)
-          Already menyatakan suatu waktu lebih cepat dari yang diharapkan.
-          Already digunakan dalam kalimat Positive dan Interrogative.
-          Already dapat diletakkan di tengah maupun di belakang kalimat.
e.g.      The class always begins at 8 a.m.
            it is only 7.55 but the lesson has already begun.
            They have already cashed the cheque.
            The plane has already left the airport.
            Have the police caught the thief already? Yes, they have.
-          For menunjukkan lamanya suatu kejadian berlangsung (=selama).
-          Since menunjukkan saat suatu kejadian dimulai. (=sejak)
e.g.      They have lived in London for ten years.
            John has been in hospital for almost a month.
            My mother has been sick for three days.
            We have lived in this house since 1975.
            I haven’t seen him since last February.
Just digunakan untuk menandakan bahwa suatu perbuatan baru saja selesai.
e.g.      John has just gone out.
            I have just seen the examination result.
            We have just returned from a trip.
            I have just had lunch.
            Mother has just gone to the market.

Present Continuous Tense

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE (waktu sekarang sedang)
            Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian/perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat bicara.
Positive Structure:
Subject + am/is/are + verb-ING form

e.g. The children are watching television.
            Father is reading a newspaper.
            Jane is talking with mother.
            My sister is cleaning the room.
            I am writing a letter for a friend.
Subject + am/is/are + not + verb-ING form

e.g.      John isn’t doing anything now.
            They aren’t playing tennis at this moment.
            The students aren’t studying their lessons now.
            The baby isn’t sleeping.
            Mother isn’t cooking at this moment.
Am/is/are + subject + verb-ING form

e.g.      Are the children playing in the park now?
            - yes, they are
            - no, they aren’t
            Is he studying his lesson at this moment?
-          Yes, he is
-          No, he isn’t
Are you waiting for her now?
-          Yes, I am
-          No, I am not.
Are they having lunch at this moment?
-          Yes, they are
-          No, they aren’t
Is your mother taking a rest now?
-          Yes, she is
-          No, she isn’t
Present Continuous Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung dalam suatu periode tertentu di waktu sekarang. Maksudnya, pada saat bicara perbuatan tersebut tidak sedang dilakukan.
e.g.      I am now studying English at British Embassy.
            For the time being, Mr. Smith is acting as manager of this company.
            At present Mrs. Smith is teaching us English.
            My father is working for Western company at present.
            Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on economics.

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Simple Past Tense

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, TIME (waktu) sangat erat hubungannya dengan TENSE (Perubahan Kata Kerja). Lain halnya dengan Bahasa Indonesia, maka dalam Bahasa Inggris WAKTU turut mempengaruhi bentuk KATA KERJA. Ada 16 tenses dalam bahasa Inggris serta penggunaan-penggunaannya semuanya akan dibahas dalam bab ini.
1.      SIMPLE PAST TENSE (waktu lampau sederhana)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian/ perbuatan yang terjadi pada suatu waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Positive.          Structure:
Subject + verb 2nd form
e.g. My uncle went to Bogor yesterday.
Last month my father left for Singapore.
Last week I visited some friends.
We watched television last night.
His father passed away two years ago (=meninggal dunia).
Subject + did not + verb 1st form

e.g. John did not go to school yesterday, because he was sick.
(= Kemarin John tidak ke sekolah karena sakit).
She did not feel much better after her operation last week.
I did not see him at the meeting last night.
Last year my sister did not pass her final examination.
I did not receive any letter last Monday.
Did + subject + verb 1st form

e.g. Did she tell you about her trip last week?
            - yes, she did
            - no, she didn’t
Did he phone you last night?
-          Yes, he did
-          No, he didn’t
Did they come to work on time this morning?
-          Yes, they did
-          No, they didn’t
Did you enjoy the party last night?
-          Yes, I did
-          No, I didn’t
Did you see Helen at the meeting last night?
-          Yes, I did
-          No, I didn’t
Note: dalam membentuk Negative dan interrogative dari Simple Past kata kerja kembali ke bentuk –I (infinitive).
Keterangan waktu dari Simple Past Tense:
Just now/ a moment ago         = tadi/ baru saja
This morning                           = tadi pagi
Yesterday                                = kemarin
The day before yesterday       = kemarin dulu
Last night                                = tadi malam
Last morning                           = hari senin yang lalu
Last week/ month/ year           = minggu/ bulan/ tahun yang lalu
Three days ago                        = tiga hari yang lalu
A few weeks ago                    = beberapa minggu yang lalu
Many years ago                       = bertahun-tahun yang lalu

Simple Past Tense juga digunakan bila suatu kejadian benar-benar terjadi di masa lampau meskipun suatu waktu tertentu tidak disebutkan.
e.g. I bought  this fountain-pen in London.
She studied music while she was in paris.
They lived in New York for ten years.
During the holidays the students went for camping.
The train left ten minutes late.
Simple Past Tense digunakan dengan kata-kata tanya seperti:
What                           = apa
Where                          = dimana/ kemana
When                           = bilamana
Why What for             = mengapa untuk apa
How                            = bagaimana/ dengan apa
How much                  = berapa harga
With whom                 = dengan siapa
For whom                    = untuk siapa
Who whom                 = siapa

What did you buy this morning?
-          I bought a new shirt
Where did you buy this book?
-          At Gunung Agung book-store
Why what for did your mother go to the super-market yesterday?
-          Because she wanted to but some dresses.
-          For some dresses
Whom did he visit Mary?
-          Last Sunday
How did your father leave for Singapore?
-          By plane
How much did you buy this book?
-          Five dollars
With whom did your sister go to the party last night?
-          With John.
Who/ Whom did you see at the party last night?
-          My teacher.
Who saw you at the party last night?
-          My teacher did
·         Perbedaan antara WHO dan WHOM :
WHO dapat digunakan untuk menanyakan Subject maupun Object sedangkan WHOM hanya untuk menanyakan Object. Perhatikanlah contoh berikut ini :
Marry saw John at the party last night.
Marry = subject
John = object
·         Who saw John at the party last night?            - mary did
(whom disini tidak mungkin)
·         Whom/ who did Mary see at the party last night?      -John