Chibi Captain America

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Simple Present Tense

SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (waktu sekarang kebiasaan)
Digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu kejadian yang berlangsung tiap hari yang merupakan kebiasaan ataupun kenyataan.
Positive structure
Subject + verb 1st form

e.g. My father goes to work every day.
We study English twice a week.
They go abroad every year.
The sun shines during the day.
The earth moves round the sun.
*untuk orang ke-III tunggal akan dibahas tersendiri.
Subject + do/ does not + verb 1st form

e.g. Mary doesn’t like to study English.
I don’t understand everything he says.
He doesn’t know French perfectly.
I don’t feel well today.
We don’t need a fan in this room.
Do/ does + subject + verb 1st form

e.g. Do you enjoy your English lesson?
- yes, I do
- No, I don’t
Does this book belong to you?
-          Yes, it does
-          No, it doesn’t
Do they drive to Semarang once a week?
-          Yes, they do
-          No, they don’t
Does your father smoke a lot?
-          Yes, he does
-          No, he doesn’t
Dalam Simple Present Tense untuk Orang ke-III tunggal yakni, He (dia, laki-laki), she (dia-wanita), it (dia-benda/ binatang) ataupun my father, your friend, his brother, etc. kata kerjanya ditambah S atau ES dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut:
-          Bila kata-kata terakhir dengan Y didahului oleh huruf mati (consonant) maka Y diubah menjadi i lalu ditambah ES.
to study – studies
to carry – carries
to try – tries
to fly – flies
to deny – denies
to marry – marries
-          Bila kata kerja berakhir dengan S, sh, ch, x, o ditambah es.
to kiss – kisses
to wish – wishes
to teach – teaches
to box – boxes
to do – does
to go – goes
-          Yang tidak termasuk dalam ketentuan diatas hanya ditambah s.
to play – plays
to buy – buys
to come – comes
to see – sees
Contoh dalam kalimat:
(+) the bus carries a lot of passengers.
(-) The bus doesn’t carry a lot of passengers.
(?) Does the bus carry a lot of passengers?
-          Yes, it does
-          No, it doesn’t
(+) Mrs. Smith teaches English in our class.
(-) Mrs. Smith doesn’t teach English in our class.
(?) Does Mrs. Smith teach English in your class?
-          Yes, she does
-          No, she doesn’t
(+) My father plays tennis twice a week.
(-) My father doesn’t play tennis twice a week.
(?) Does your father play tennis twice a week?
-          Yes, he does
-          No, he doesn’t
(+) The mother kisses both boys every morning.
(-) The mother doesn’t kiss both boys every morning.
(?) Does the mother kiss both boys every morning?
-          Yes, she does
-          No, she doesn’t
Keterangan waktu tertentu yang digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense :
In the morning/ afternoon/ evening    = pada waktu pagi/ petang/ malam.
Every day/ week/ month/ year            = tiap hari/ minggu/ bulan/ tahun
Once a week/ a month                        = sekali seminggu/ sebulan
Twice a day                                         = dua kali sehari
Every morning/ night                          = tiap pagi/ malam
Kata Keterangan (adverb of Frequency) yang sering digunakan dalam Simple Present Tense antara lain:
Sometimes       = kadang-kadang       
Always            = selalu           
Often               = sering          
Seldom            = jarang          
Never              = tidak pernah
Ever                 = pernah (interrogative)
Usually            = biasanya      
Generally         = umumnya    
Occassionally  = sekali-sekali
Kata-kata ini selalu terletak antara Subject dan Kata Kerja.
e.g. My sister often goes to the movie.
We usually eat lunch at the restaurant.
He sometimes gets up very late.
My brother seldom stays inside.
I always take the same bus to school.
They never come to school early.
Women generally like shopping.
Helen occassionally drives to school/
Do you ever have meal in that restaurant?
Simple Present Tense dengan kata-kata tanya:
Where do you live?
-          I live at Jl. Cendana no. 10.
-          I live on Jl. Cendana.
What time do you get up every morning?
-          I always get up at 5 o’clock.
How often does he go to the movie?
-          Not so often.
How well does Mary speak French?
-          She speaks French perfectly.
How much does it cost?
-          It costs 2 dollars.
Why does he want to study English?
-          Because he wants to get a better job.
Which movie star do you like best?
-          Slamet Rahardjo.
How many new words do you learn every day?
-          I learn ten new words every day.
To whom does this book belong?
-          This book belongs to her.
In which room does the class meet?

-          In room 10.

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