Chibi Captain America

Rabu, 06 Mei 2015

Present Continuous Tense

PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE (waktu sekarang sedang)
            Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian/perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung pada saat bicara.
Positive Structure:
Subject + am/is/are + verb-ING form

e.g. The children are watching television.
            Father is reading a newspaper.
            Jane is talking with mother.
            My sister is cleaning the room.
            I am writing a letter for a friend.
Subject + am/is/are + not + verb-ING form

e.g.      John isn’t doing anything now.
            They aren’t playing tennis at this moment.
            The students aren’t studying their lessons now.
            The baby isn’t sleeping.
            Mother isn’t cooking at this moment.
Am/is/are + subject + verb-ING form

e.g.      Are the children playing in the park now?
            - yes, they are
            - no, they aren’t
            Is he studying his lesson at this moment?
-          Yes, he is
-          No, he isn’t
Are you waiting for her now?
-          Yes, I am
-          No, I am not.
Are they having lunch at this moment?
-          Yes, they are
-          No, they aren’t
Is your mother taking a rest now?
-          Yes, she is
-          No, she isn’t
Present Continuous Tense juga digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung dalam suatu periode tertentu di waktu sekarang. Maksudnya, pada saat bicara perbuatan tersebut tidak sedang dilakukan.
e.g.      I am now studying English at British Embassy.
            For the time being, Mr. Smith is acting as manager of this company.
            At present Mrs. Smith is teaching us English.
            My father is working for Western company at present.
            Mr. Evans is writing a series of articles on economics.

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