Chibi Captain America

Selasa, 05 Mei 2015

Simple Past Tense

Dalam Bahasa Inggris, TIME (waktu) sangat erat hubungannya dengan TENSE (Perubahan Kata Kerja). Lain halnya dengan Bahasa Indonesia, maka dalam Bahasa Inggris WAKTU turut mempengaruhi bentuk KATA KERJA. Ada 16 tenses dalam bahasa Inggris serta penggunaan-penggunaannya semuanya akan dibahas dalam bab ini.
1.      SIMPLE PAST TENSE (waktu lampau sederhana)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian/ perbuatan yang terjadi pada suatu waktu tertentu di masa lampau.
Positive.          Structure:
Subject + verb 2nd form
e.g. My uncle went to Bogor yesterday.
Last month my father left for Singapore.
Last week I visited some friends.
We watched television last night.
His father passed away two years ago (=meninggal dunia).
Subject + did not + verb 1st form

e.g. John did not go to school yesterday, because he was sick.
(= Kemarin John tidak ke sekolah karena sakit).
She did not feel much better after her operation last week.
I did not see him at the meeting last night.
Last year my sister did not pass her final examination.
I did not receive any letter last Monday.
Did + subject + verb 1st form

e.g. Did she tell you about her trip last week?
            - yes, she did
            - no, she didn’t
Did he phone you last night?
-          Yes, he did
-          No, he didn’t
Did they come to work on time this morning?
-          Yes, they did
-          No, they didn’t
Did you enjoy the party last night?
-          Yes, I did
-          No, I didn’t
Did you see Helen at the meeting last night?
-          Yes, I did
-          No, I didn’t
Note: dalam membentuk Negative dan interrogative dari Simple Past kata kerja kembali ke bentuk –I (infinitive).
Keterangan waktu dari Simple Past Tense:
Just now/ a moment ago         = tadi/ baru saja
This morning                           = tadi pagi
Yesterday                                = kemarin
The day before yesterday       = kemarin dulu
Last night                                = tadi malam
Last morning                           = hari senin yang lalu
Last week/ month/ year           = minggu/ bulan/ tahun yang lalu
Three days ago                        = tiga hari yang lalu
A few weeks ago                    = beberapa minggu yang lalu
Many years ago                       = bertahun-tahun yang lalu

Simple Past Tense juga digunakan bila suatu kejadian benar-benar terjadi di masa lampau meskipun suatu waktu tertentu tidak disebutkan.
e.g. I bought  this fountain-pen in London.
She studied music while she was in paris.
They lived in New York for ten years.
During the holidays the students went for camping.
The train left ten minutes late.
Simple Past Tense digunakan dengan kata-kata tanya seperti:
What                           = apa
Where                          = dimana/ kemana
When                           = bilamana
Why What for             = mengapa untuk apa
How                            = bagaimana/ dengan apa
How much                  = berapa harga
With whom                 = dengan siapa
For whom                    = untuk siapa
Who whom                 = siapa

What did you buy this morning?
-          I bought a new shirt
Where did you buy this book?
-          At Gunung Agung book-store
Why what for did your mother go to the super-market yesterday?
-          Because she wanted to but some dresses.
-          For some dresses
Whom did he visit Mary?
-          Last Sunday
How did your father leave for Singapore?
-          By plane
How much did you buy this book?
-          Five dollars
With whom did your sister go to the party last night?
-          With John.
Who/ Whom did you see at the party last night?
-          My teacher.
Who saw you at the party last night?
-          My teacher did
·         Perbedaan antara WHO dan WHOM :
WHO dapat digunakan untuk menanyakan Subject maupun Object sedangkan WHOM hanya untuk menanyakan Object. Perhatikanlah contoh berikut ini :
Marry saw John at the party last night.
Marry = subject
John = object
·         Who saw John at the party last night?            - mary did
(whom disini tidak mungkin)
·         Whom/ who did Mary see at the party last night?      -John

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