Chibi Captain America

Kamis, 19 Juni 2014


Idiom adalah susunan kata-kata yang mempunyai arti khusus yang tidak diterjemahkan secara aksara (literally). Begitu seringnya ungkapan-ungkapan yang mengandung Idiom digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari, karena dengan menggunakan Idiom suatu percakapan menjadi indah dan menarik serta sedap didengar.
I will be with you through joy and pain : aku akan menemanimu sedang dan sedih.
I don’t be your animal experiment : aku ga mau jadi bahan percobaan.
I don’t mean maybe : aku serius
Remember your manner : jaga sikapmu
What was that again : ulangi lagi dong
It’s mine of your bess wax : ini bukan urusanmu
Go fly kite : aku ngga peduli.
Go jump to lake : mati aja lo !
That’s really pits : payah banget sih !
Let’s sleeping dog lie : yang berlalu biarlah berlalu.
What’s done is done : yang berlalu, biarlah berlalu.
Just don’t take it so hard : gitu aja ko repot
Shut tight the door : tutup pintunya rapat-rapat
Don’t knock if you can’t do it better : jangan mengkritik kalau ga bisa melakukan lebih baik.
Stop thinking for nothing : jangan mikirin yang gak penting.
Don’t walk too fast, I can’t keep up with you : jangan jalan cepat-cepat, aku gak bisa ngikutin kamu.
Just give me the matter, and everything’s gonna be OK : kasih tau masalahnya, dan semuanya akan baik-baik saja.
Hold your head up : jangan malu-malu
Don’t look down on me : jangan anggap remeh aku.
You know what ? I like the way you smile : kamu tau ? Aku suka kamu tersenyum.
To give in doesn’t mean to lose : mengalah bukan berarti kalah.
No more crying for yesterday : jangan menangisi hari yang lalu.
Stop being such a baby : jangan manja !
I am big head : Aku GR nih !

Semoga bermanfaat :)

Rabu, 18 Juni 2014


SPEECHCRAFT – IMPROMPTU SPEAKING – Speaking Without Preparation
What are the benefits of effective impromptu speaking skills ?
Ø  Improve oral expression of thought
Ø  Develop confidence in public speaking
Ø  Think quickly on your feet
Ø  Develop leadership and communication skills
Techniques to Delivering a Better Impromptu Speech
The following techniques can help to give you more confidence in giving impromptu speeches and that will in turn reduce any nerves or butterflies you might have at the time.
·         Give yourself time to prepare
Take deep breaths
Rise slowly from your chair and walk slowly to the lectern (or stand behind and away from your chair)
Use this time to collect your thoughts and decide on the purpose and plan of your speech
Think about the opening sentence
Remember : you don’t have to start the speech immediately
·         Feel confident
Look around at audience and smile. Stand all.
Don’t slump, don’t fidget, don’t grasp the lectern, don’t put hands in your pockets
Speak and act in a confident manner
·         Slow delivery
Gives you time to think ahead
The audience has time to absorb and react to what you are saying
Helps you reduce umms and ahhs
·         Focus
Keep the focus on the subject while talking
Don’t think of any negatives (eg being unprepared)
Talk directly to the audience and adapt to their feedback
Maintain good eye contact with the audience
Be brief and to the point
Don’t ramble or say too much on the subject
Speak at the audience’s level
Speech Structure – Opening, Body and Conclusion
An impromptu speech is simply a mini-speech and therefore it has an Opening, a Body and a Conclusion.
·         Open by addressing the Chairman or Master of Ceremonies eg Mister/ Madam Chairman
·         Brief introduction/ opening sentence – attention getting
·         Cover the main points (Try to find 1 or 2 central themes)
·         Use clearly worded simple sentences and try to link the themes
·         Be brief and look for an elegant closing that links back to the opening
·         End by acknowledging the Chairman or Master of Ceremonies
Sources of Content
·         Personalize
This is the subject you know most about
Audience can relate more easily to personal topics – they probably have similar experiences
·         Your opinion
·         Humour
Breaks the ice with the audience and relaxes you
·         Other
Current events, something you have read or seen (newspaper, book, TV), knowledge of pertinent facts
Methods to Determine Content
The following methods are for guidance only. You don’t have to use them however they may help you to think quickly on your feet. You may develop other techniques that suit your style of speaking better.
·         PREP Method
When asked to express an opinion – to inform, persuade or inspire
Ø  Point               Make your point (Opening)
Ø  Reason                        State your reason for making the point (Body)
Ø  Example          Give an example to justify your previous remarks (Body)
Ø  Point               Drive home the point again. Links the conclusion back to the opening.
·         Past, Present, Future Method (Body)
When asked for your comment on a particular topic
Ø  Point               Make your point (Opening). Be brief.
Ø  Past                 What happened in the past. Reflect on a past issue. (Body)
Ø  Present                       What is happening today (Body)
Ø  Future             What will/ could happen in the future (Body)
Ø  Point               Drive home your opening point. Reminds audience what the point of your speech was all about. (Conclusion) Be brief
·         Who, What, How, When, Where (Body)
When asked to role play or to use your imagination
·         Other Methods (Body)
Ø  Cause, Effect, Remedy
Ø  Before, The Event, The Result
Ø  Local, State, Federal
Ø  Good, Bad, Indifferent
Be Prepared
There is a good chance that you will be unexpectedly called upon to give an impromptu speech at a Toastmasters (Table Topics) or other (business, club or P&F etc) meeting. Try and pre-empt possible topics that may arise, such as those from current events or contentious issues. Have an emergency speech available.
Speech Time
In Toastmasters:         Club level (Table Topics)                    90 secs
                                    Competition level                   2 minutes
                                    Speechcraft                             60 secs
                                    Elsewhere                               3 to 5 mins (whatever seems appropriate to occasion)
·         Deliberately rise from your chair very slowly and pause for a moment. Use this time to decide on the purpose and plan of your speech
·         Keep the focus on the subject while talking, and don’t think about any negatives such as being unprepared or that you will look or sound foolish. Rather, think about the subject. Look for opportunities to bring in humour.
·         Talk directly to the audience and adapt to audience feedback.
·         Be brief and to the point. Guard against rambling and the temptation to say too much about the subject
·         Remember, this is a mini speech so try to have an opening, a body and a conclusion. The conclusion should reflect back to the comments in the opening.
·         Always try to speak and act in a confident manner.
·         Don’t rush
·         Address the Chairman before and after the speech.

Selasa, 17 Juni 2014


Paragraph structure
                A paragraph is a group of sentence and that the first sentence of this group is indented, that is, it begins a little bit more to the right of the margin than the rest of the sentences in this group. However, it is not enough to say that a paragraph is a group of sentences. Let’s see the following parts of a paragraph.
1.       Main Idea
All the sentences in a paragraph should be about one thing, namely the main idea of the paragraph. The main idea is usually contained in the topic sentence. The topic sentence can be at the beginning or at the end of a paragraph.
2.       Supporting Details
Supporting Details are any relevant pieces of information that give further information about the main idea.
3.       Concluding Sentence
To confirm the coherence between the main idea and supporting details, the concluding sentence normally restates it. Note: not all paragraphs have concluding sentences. Sometimes concluding sentence is omitted.

Example 1 :
                There are many things people can do at the beach. They can lie under the shade of the trees. They can also swim and surf. The more energetic people can join a game of beach volley ball. Children can build sand castles.
Topic                                     : beach
Topic sentence                 : there are many things people can do at the beach
Supporting details           :
o   Lie under the trees
o   Swim and surf
o   Join a game of beach volley ball
o   Build sand castle

Why I Like Yogya
                There are several reasons why I like Yogya. First, the people are very friendly. They always greet and smile at the comers. Second, if I am hungry I can just go to one of the food stalls along the side of the street. Besides the dish is quite delicious, the price is relatively cheap. Third, many people go to Yogya for recreation. There are many places of interest that I can visit in Yogya like Borobudur temple, Prambanan temple, Parang Tritis beach, etc. Many things about Yogya make me forget to go home when I stay there.
Topic                                     : Yogya
Topic sentence                 : There are several reasons why I like Yogya
Supporting details           :
o   The people are friendly
o   If I am hungry I can just go to one of the food stalls along the side of the street
o   The dish is quite delicious
o   The price is relatively cheap
o   There are many places of interest that I can visit in Yogya like Borobudur temple, Prambanan temple, Parang Tritis beach, etc.
Introduction to the Types of Paragraph
                Based on the content of the paragraph there are some types of paragraphs namely :
1.       Descriptive
2.       Narrative
3.       Persuasive
4.       Expository
5.       Argumentative

1.       Descriptive
                Through description, a writer helps the reader use the sense of feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting to experience what the writer experiences. Description helps the reader more clearly understand the people, places, and things about which the writer is writing. We can find in newspaper, magazine, books, and most others form of written communication.

A descriptive paragraph
o   Describes
o   Gives impressions, not definition
o   Shows the reader
o   Creates a sensory *image in the reader’s mind
Study the following descriptive paragraph
At the bus shelter
                It’s ten o’clock in the morning. An elderly man is sitting on the bench. He is reading a newspaper. Next to him is a younger woman; perhaps she is his daughter. She is just staring at nothing. Nearby, a young mother is trying to control her two small sons. The children are yelling and screaming for the candy.
Grammar focus:
The use of present continues tense
To talk about the progressive activities we use the present continues tense
S + BE + V-ing
2.       Narrative
Through narration, a writer tells a story. A story has characters, a setting, a time, a problem, and attempts at solving problems, and solution to the problem. Types of narration include short story, novels, and new stories, as well as a large part of our everyday social interchange in the form of letter and conversation.
Read and study the paragraph below.
Sarah Meirizka Herdiany Sechan has a lot of experiences. Born in 1974, Sarah spent her childhood in many cities around the world – including pensylvania, U.S.A, and London, U.K. Her family then settled in New York, where Sarah completed high school. After she finished high school, She worked as a radio announcer, a video jockey on MTV, and managing editor for Cosmo Girl.
Grammar focus :
The use of simple past
To talk about things, activities, or events in the past we use the simple past tense telling the activities, experiences, or events in the past.
S+ V2
3.       Argumentative
                Argumentative paragraph is used to persuade and to convince. It is closely related to exposition and is often found combined with it. Argumentation is used to make a case or to prove or disapprove of a statement or preposition.
Study the following argumentative paragraph :
Most people in big cities are not disciplined. There are many examples of this. First of all, many people don’t like to queue up because they always want to be the first in line. They want to do everything quickly so that they can do other things. Second, they are not disciplined when they drive. They are reckless and dangerous driver because they cut in front of other drivers and often ignore traffic signs. They do this so that they can get to their destination faster. Finally, people throw their garbage everywhere, which makes the city dirty and smelly. So, it is clear that people in big cities really lack discipline.
Topic sentence                 : most people in big cities are not disciplined
Supporting details           :
o   Don’t like to queue up because they always want to be the first in line
o   Reckless and dangerous driver. They cut in front of other drivers and often ignore traffic signs.
o   Throw their garbage everywhere, which makes the city dirty and smelly.
Concluding sentence      : people in big cities really lack of discipline.
4.       Persuasive
Persuasive paragraph is closely related to expository. The paragraph is purposed to persuade the readers buying the products or doing what the writer wants. It is usually used for advertisement.
Read and study the following paragraph.
                For language students, an electronic dictionary is a really useful  gadget. It is advantageous in their study because it can perform many tasks. First, this device helps students find the meaning of the words. Second, this electronic dictionary also carries out other tasks, such as pronouncing words and giving synonyms. Some electronic dictionaries even feature other games. Another advantage of using electronic dictionary it its practically. It comes in handy. It can be carried around everywhere you go. It is not heavy. The design of the dictionary is stylish . the students may choose the design that they like. So, what are you waiting for ? Go for it.
Title                                       : Having problem with your pronounciation ?
                                                 Need a lot of time to look up the meaning of the words ?
                                                 We have just what you need    
Introduction                       : for language students, an electronic dictionary is a really useful gadget.
Topic sentence                 : it is advantageous in their study because it can perform many tasks.
Supporting details           :
o   This device helps students find the meaning of the words
o   This electronic dictionary also carries out other tasks, such as pronouncing words and giving synonyms.
o   Some electronic dictionaries even feature other games.
o   It comes in handy.
o   The design of the dictionary is stylish.
Concluding sentence      : So, what are you waiting for ? Go for it
How to write a persuasive paragraph
1.       Clearly state your opinion in a complete sentence.
2.       Adequately provide details (facts, examples, reasons, etc) to support your opinion.
3.       List down the details
4.       Arrange the details in a logical order
5.       Use transitional markers; first, second, third, besides that, finally, ...
Grammar focus :
The use of simple present tense to tell the condition or present situation (besides habitual action or routine).