Chibi Captain America

Rabu, 18 Juni 2014


SPEECHCRAFT – IMPROMPTU SPEAKING – Speaking Without Preparation
What are the benefits of effective impromptu speaking skills ?
Ø  Improve oral expression of thought
Ø  Develop confidence in public speaking
Ø  Think quickly on your feet
Ø  Develop leadership and communication skills
Techniques to Delivering a Better Impromptu Speech
The following techniques can help to give you more confidence in giving impromptu speeches and that will in turn reduce any nerves or butterflies you might have at the time.
·         Give yourself time to prepare
Take deep breaths
Rise slowly from your chair and walk slowly to the lectern (or stand behind and away from your chair)
Use this time to collect your thoughts and decide on the purpose and plan of your speech
Think about the opening sentence
Remember : you don’t have to start the speech immediately
·         Feel confident
Look around at audience and smile. Stand all.
Don’t slump, don’t fidget, don’t grasp the lectern, don’t put hands in your pockets
Speak and act in a confident manner
·         Slow delivery
Gives you time to think ahead
The audience has time to absorb and react to what you are saying
Helps you reduce umms and ahhs
·         Focus
Keep the focus on the subject while talking
Don’t think of any negatives (eg being unprepared)
Talk directly to the audience and adapt to their feedback
Maintain good eye contact with the audience
Be brief and to the point
Don’t ramble or say too much on the subject
Speak at the audience’s level
Speech Structure – Opening, Body and Conclusion
An impromptu speech is simply a mini-speech and therefore it has an Opening, a Body and a Conclusion.
·         Open by addressing the Chairman or Master of Ceremonies eg Mister/ Madam Chairman
·         Brief introduction/ opening sentence – attention getting
·         Cover the main points (Try to find 1 or 2 central themes)
·         Use clearly worded simple sentences and try to link the themes
·         Be brief and look for an elegant closing that links back to the opening
·         End by acknowledging the Chairman or Master of Ceremonies
Sources of Content
·         Personalize
This is the subject you know most about
Audience can relate more easily to personal topics – they probably have similar experiences
·         Your opinion
·         Humour
Breaks the ice with the audience and relaxes you
·         Other
Current events, something you have read or seen (newspaper, book, TV), knowledge of pertinent facts
Methods to Determine Content
The following methods are for guidance only. You don’t have to use them however they may help you to think quickly on your feet. You may develop other techniques that suit your style of speaking better.
·         PREP Method
When asked to express an opinion – to inform, persuade or inspire
Ø  Point               Make your point (Opening)
Ø  Reason                        State your reason for making the point (Body)
Ø  Example          Give an example to justify your previous remarks (Body)
Ø  Point               Drive home the point again. Links the conclusion back to the opening.
·         Past, Present, Future Method (Body)
When asked for your comment on a particular topic
Ø  Point               Make your point (Opening). Be brief.
Ø  Past                 What happened in the past. Reflect on a past issue. (Body)
Ø  Present                       What is happening today (Body)
Ø  Future             What will/ could happen in the future (Body)
Ø  Point               Drive home your opening point. Reminds audience what the point of your speech was all about. (Conclusion) Be brief
·         Who, What, How, When, Where (Body)
When asked to role play or to use your imagination
·         Other Methods (Body)
Ø  Cause, Effect, Remedy
Ø  Before, The Event, The Result
Ø  Local, State, Federal
Ø  Good, Bad, Indifferent
Be Prepared
There is a good chance that you will be unexpectedly called upon to give an impromptu speech at a Toastmasters (Table Topics) or other (business, club or P&F etc) meeting. Try and pre-empt possible topics that may arise, such as those from current events or contentious issues. Have an emergency speech available.
Speech Time
In Toastmasters:         Club level (Table Topics)                    90 secs
                                    Competition level                   2 minutes
                                    Speechcraft                             60 secs
                                    Elsewhere                               3 to 5 mins (whatever seems appropriate to occasion)
·         Deliberately rise from your chair very slowly and pause for a moment. Use this time to decide on the purpose and plan of your speech
·         Keep the focus on the subject while talking, and don’t think about any negatives such as being unprepared or that you will look or sound foolish. Rather, think about the subject. Look for opportunities to bring in humour.
·         Talk directly to the audience and adapt to audience feedback.
·         Be brief and to the point. Guard against rambling and the temptation to say too much about the subject
·         Remember, this is a mini speech so try to have an opening, a body and a conclusion. The conclusion should reflect back to the comments in the opening.
·         Always try to speak and act in a confident manner.
·         Don’t rush
·         Address the Chairman before and after the speech.

1 komentar:


    Assalamualaikum saya atas nama Rany anak dari bapak Bambang saya ingin berbagi cerita masalah penyakit yang di derita ayah saya, ayah saya sudah 5 tahun menderita penyakit aneh yang tidak masuk akal, bahkan ayah saya tidak aktif kerja selama 5 tahun gara gara penyakit yang di deritanya, singkat cerita suatu hari waktu itu saya bermain di rmh temen saya dan kebetulan saya ada waktu itu di saat proses pengobatan ibu temen saya lewat HP , percaya nda percaya subahana lah di hari itu juga mama temen saya langsung berjalan yang dulu'nya cuma duduk di kursi rodah selama 3 tahun,singkat cerita semua orang yang waktu itu menyaksikan pengobatan bapak kyai hj Malik lewat ponsel, betul betul kaget karena mama temen saya langsung berjalan setelah di sampaikan kepada hj Malik untuk berjalan,subahanallah, dan saya juga memberanikan diri meminta no hp bapak kyai hj malik, dan sesampainya saya di rmh saya juga memberanikan diri untuk menghubungi kyai hj Malik dan menyampaikan penyakit yang di derita ayah saya, dan setelah saya melakukan apa yang di perintahkan sama BPK kyai hj Malik, 1 jam kemudian Alhamdulillah bapak saya juga langsung sembuh dari penyakitnya lewat doa bapak kyai hj Malik kepada Allah subahanallah wataala ,Alhamdulillah berkat bantuan bpk ustad kyai hj Malik sekarang ayah saya sudah sembuh dari penyakit yang di deritanya selama 5 tahun, bagi saudara/i yang mau di bantu penyembuhan masalah penyakit gaib non gaib anda bisa konsultasi langsung kepada bapak kyai hj Malik no hp WA beliau 0823-5240-6469 semoga lewat bantuan beliau anda bisa terbebas dari penyakit anda. Terima kasih
