Chibi Captain America

Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

Remedial of Reading 3 Subject

   Finally in semester 6 especially on Remedial of Reading 3 subject which is conducted on Friday, June 24th 2016, I can be able to make a summary from one of passage in Reading 3 book to retell to my beloved lecturer Mrs. Nunung Nurjanah, S.Pd., M.Hum. as a examiner lecturer in a Remedial of Reading 3 subject. Take a look the following terrifying passage that must be made a summary by me. And Alhamdulillah in one hour I can be able to make it become a summary with own words. You can see my result of summary after the passage "an American Finding Her Chinese Face" below. 
An American Finding Her Chinese Face
By Wendy Lum, from China Daily
   The first time I lived in China, I was amazed to see so many different Chinese faces; I never knew that there could be such a diversity of faces in a population that seemed so alike. I was so surprised to see such a difference. The ironic part of all this was that I was one of those faces. You see, I am an overseas Chinese. 
   I had come to China to teach as a foreign teacher at a university in Guangzhuo. It seemed my lifelong dream of coming back to my "motherland" was being fulfilled. Yet I remembered that sooner or later I would have to open my mouth and my secret identity would be discovered.
   My first experience of being questioned as to why I did not know any Chinese was when I went to get my bike fixed. "What?" said the bike repairman, "You are Chinese so you should know how to speak Chinese." I tried to explain in my limited Chinese (Cantonese) that in America, everyone speaks English and that unless you are fortunate enough to go to Chinese school, you speak only English. Somehow, I was unable to convince the bike repairman that I honestly wanted to be more in tune, more familiar with my Chinese side, but had never had that opportunity up until now.
   You see, I grew up in the very diverse multi-cultural mix of Hawaii, which is noted for being a melting pot - where cultures are encouraged to blend together. Therefore, coming to China was a cultural shock for me. However, by the end of my first year in China, not only had I mastered the language, but I was able to blend in like a native. To my delight, I was able to bargain things down to almost half the price, order dishes at restaurants for my American friends, and carry on a normal conversation with anyone on the street. I could also spit out bones on the table without worrying whether it was bad manners or not, and I mastered the fine art of biking around the congested streets without getting hit, and eating almost anything with no questions asked.
   After returning to Hawaii for a year, I am now once again in China to teach. Even though I sometimes feel more at home in Hawaii, I am drawn to this country and feel the need to spend more time here to discover who I really am. I sometimes ask myself why I love China so much, despite my frustrations with trying to learn the language and coming to terms with the culture. It is not clear to me yet, but I'm here to look for answers. What I do know is that there is an unexplained beauty about the land, culture, history and most of the people here.
   Still, after all my enthusiasm and determination to fit into this culture, some things have not changed. My students still think I am Japanese, and they are incredulous (totally in disbelief) that I write with my left hand. I am still struggling to learn the language, this time Mandarin instead of Cantonese. I find that at times I really identify with my Chinese side and at other times, my American. Perhaps that is how things will always be, that I will be forever caught between two worlds.


   The text above tells about the experience of author in finding her Chinese face of herself. The author had two identities in herself between American/Hawaii and Chinese which looked in her face. Yet she continually tried to hide her truth or identity from the people. Because if she had known as a Chinese, she couldn't be able to speak a Chinese well. Instead she will speak with her limited Chinese language. It is caused by her life in China country hadn't yet too longer or it was the first time she lived in China country. And after she had been surprised by the existence of Chinese faces in a population that seemed so alike, she felt that she was an overseas Chinese. And it makes her to find the answer about her face which looked like a Chinese. 
    She lived in China as a foreign teacher at a university in Guangzhuo. And one day when she went to get her bike fixed, the bike repairman said to her, "You are Chinese so you should know how to speak Chinese," She tried to response it in her limited Chinese (Cantonese) that in America, everyone speaks English and though you are fortunate enough to go to Chinese school for studying, you will speak only English. All explanation what the author told about to the bike repairman tells about her frustrations against the opportunity which can't be able to get by her to learn Chinese language. But she didn't give up to learn Chinese, she learned it from the daily life context with people. 
    In fact, one year lived in china was worthy for her. Because at the end of her first year in China, she could be able to master the Chinese language. Not only that, she could also be able to bargain things down to almost half the price. Beside that, she could also be able to order the dishes at restaurants for her American friends. Then, carry on a normal conversation with anybody on the street. In addition, she could also be able to spit out bones on the table without worrying whether it was bad manners or not. And she could also be able to master the fine art of biking around the congested streets without getting hit, and eating almost anything with no questions asked. 
   Other side, she loved the beauty of china country from the land, culture, history and most of all the people there. Surprisingly, when other people has known her as a woman who has a Chinese face, but most of students who are taught by her in her university felt that she was a Japanese breed. It is caused by her way in writing words down on the paper by using her left hand. That's no big deal for her because she will be forever caught between two worlds among Chinese and American.

Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

Curdev Subject - an English Coursebook for Intermediate

Finally in final exam of curriculum and material development subject, I can be able to make my own English coursebook for intermediate which is more suitable used for Senior High School Students.
Hopefully, there will be additional comments from the readers to complete and make it being closer to the perfect one.  

Rabu, 22 Juni 2016

Exercise, PRE-TEST, & POST-TEST (Reading - Procedure text) Kelas 7

Activity 1
Strawberry Juice

15 Fresh strawberries
Lemon water
2 tbs. refined-sugar
5 tbs. sweet-condensed milk
¾ glass shaved ice
250 ml mineral water
-    First, wash off strawberries by using clean water.
-    Then, Pick the stalk of its strawberries.
-    Next, cut the strawberry become four parts by using knife and put into a blender.
-    Then, add ¾ glass shaved ice, lemon water, 250 ml mineral water, 2 tbs. refined-sugar, and 5 tbs. sweet-condensed milk.
-    After that, turn on a blender until all materials are mixed perfectly.
-    Then, pour strawberry juice into a glass.
-    Finally, Strawberry juice is ready served.
Choose the best answer either A, B, C, or D on the questions below based on the text above!
1.   What do you learn from the text?
a.       How to make strawberry milk.
b.      How to produce juice.
c.       How to mix sweet-condensed milk and strawberry with ice.
d.      How to make strawberry juice.
2.   What are the generic structure of the text?
a.       Steps, tools and materials.
b.      Goal, ingredients, tools and steps.
c.       Tools, steps, and goal.
d.      Ingredients, steps and serving.
3.   What language features can be found in the text above?
a.       Connectives, action verbs, and adverb.
b.      Adverb, adjective, noun.
c.       Simple present, adverb and sequence words.
d.      Noun, verb and adverb.
4.   What action verb are in the text?
a.       Cutting
b.      Adding
c.       Using
d.      Pour
5.   How many steps are they?
a.       6
b.      7
c.       7,5 
d.    5
Read the text below carefully!

How to Make Avocado Juice

Creamy Avocado Juice
1 ripe avocado
1 cup (236 ml) cold milk, any variety
1 Tbs (15 g) sugar, honey, or sugar substitute (if desired)

·      Knife
·      Spoon
·      Blender
·      Glass

Firstly, cut the avocado and scoop out the pulp. To cut your avocado easily.
·       Take your knife and cut the avocado in half vertically.
·       Twist the two sides apart, exposing the pit inside.
·       With a spoon or a knife, remove the pit.
·       Grab a spoon and scoop out the all of the inside.
      Secondly, put the pulp of the avocado (and any other fruits or vegetables) in a blender. If you are using sugar or honey, add it now, too. Give it a quick whirl to get the juices flowing and the flavors combined.
·         For the first recipe (the creamier, richer version), hold off on the milk for right now and just add the sugar. That part comes next.
·         For the second recipe (for the health foodie in you), add all the vegetables and fruits you would like. Add a couple, give it a taste, maybe add a couple more.
Thirdly, add the milk, if applicable, bit by bit.
·         You want complete control over the thickness of your drink; should it be more smoothie-like or more like juice? The natural thickness of the avocado opens up the entire spectrum of consistency. Add a small amount, blend it up, and decide whether or not you would like to add more.
The last, finish blending, garnish and served chilled.
·         Once you have found the right consistency, blend it until everything is combined thoroughly, creating a uniform look throughout. Garnish with a slice of pineapple or a dollop of whipped cream.

A.    Choose the best answer either A, B, C, or D on the questions below based on the text above!
1.   What kind of juice that is made on the text above?
a.    Avocado
b.   Strawberry
c.    Mango
d.   Orange 
2.   What kind of tools that is required to make avocado juice?
a.    Bowl
b.   Blender
c.    Fork
d.   Plate
3.   What kind of ingredients that is required to make avocado juice?
a.    1 cup (236 ml) cold milk, any variety
b.   1 cup (236 ml) coffee.
c.    1 cup (236 ml) vegetable oil.
d.   1 cup (236 ml) sauce.
4.   What is the first step to make avocado juice?
a.    Cut the avocado and scoop out the pulp
b.   Put the pulp of the avocado (and any other fruits or vegetables) in a blender.
c.    Add the milk, if applicable, bit by bit.
d.   Finish blending, garnish and served chilled.
5.   How much cold milk is required to make avocado juice?
a.    100 ml
b.   250 ml
c.    236 ml
d.   50 ml

B.     Decide whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F)!
                                                                                                            T         F
1.   Add the milk, if applicable, bit by bit.                                             . . . .     . . . .
2.   With a fork, remove the pit.                                                 . . . .     . . . .
3.   1 Tbs (15 g) sugar, sauce, or sugar substitute (if desired).              . . . .     . . . .
4.   Garnish with a slice of pineapple or a dollop of whipped cream.   . . . .     . . . .
5.   Finish blending, baked and served chilled.                         . . . .     . . . .

C.    Read again the text above and fill in the blanks!
1.      ____ your knife and ___ the avocado in half vertically.
2.      With a spoon or a knife, ______ the pit.
3.      For the first recipe (the creamier, richer version), ____ off on the milk for right now and just add the sugar.
4.      For the second recipe (for the health foodie in you), ___ all the vegetables and fruits you would ____.
5.      ___ a small amount, blend it up, and ______ whether or not you _____ like to add more.
6.      Add a couple, ____ it a taste, maybe add a couple more.
7.      ___ the avocado and scoop out the pulp.
8.      ______ blending, garnish and ______ chilled.
9.      ___ the pulp of the avocado (and any other fruits or vegetables) in a blender.
10.  Once you have _____ the right consistency, _____ it until everything is ________ thoroughly, creating a uniform look throughout.

Text Box: Name :
Class :


  • 1 Lontong or Ketupat
  • 100 gr boiled bean sprouts
  • 4 fried tofu
  • Fresh chopped cucumber
  • 100 gr thin rice noodles
  • Fried onions
  • Sweet soy sauce
  • 200 gr roasted peanut
  • 3 tbs. palm sugar
  • 1 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon monosodium glutamate
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 4 Chili, personalizing
  • 2 tbs. vinegar
  • 50 ml water
  • Crackers
  • Plate
  • Pestle
  • Knife
  • Spoon
-          First, put 4 chili or personalizing, 200 gr roasted peanut, 3 tbs. palm sugar, 1 clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon monosodium glutamate, 1 teaspoon salt, sweet soy sauce, 2 tbs. vinegar, into plate. Then, pour 50 ml water and pulverize all materials by using pestle to make it smooth and wet.
-          Then, cut lontong or ketupat into small pieces and placed on plate with smoothed materials.
-          Next, 4 fried tofu are cut into small pieces by using knife and put it above small pieces of lontong/ketupat.
-          Then, add 100 gr well-cooked bean sprouts and thin rice noodles.
-          Sprinkle chopped cucumber on top.
-          Give a bit taste of soy sauce.
-          Sow fried onions and crackers.
-          Finally, ketoprak is ready served.
Choose the best answer either A, B, C, or D on the questions below based on the text above!
1. What do you learn from the text?
                 a. How to make lontong/ketupat 
                 b. How to make ketoprak. 
                 c. How to mix lontong/ketupat and peanut sauce. 
                 d. How to make tofu and thin rice noodles.
2. What are the generic structure of the text?
a.                   Steps, procedure and materials.
b.                  Tools, steps, and goal.
c.                   Ingredients, steps and serving.
d.                  Goal, Ingredients, tools, and steps.
3. What language features can be found in the text above?
a.                                     Noun, verb, and adverb.
b.                                    Adverb, adjective, and noun.
c.                                     Simple present, adverb, and sequence words.
d.                                    Connectives, action verb, and adverb.
2.      Sprinkle chopped cucumber on top.
What is the closest meaning of sprinkle?
a.                   Dust
b.                  Sow
c.                   Add
d.                  Dry
3.      Well-cooked bean sprouts and thin rice noodles.
What is the meaning of well-cooked?
a.                   Thoroughly cooked
b.                  Overcooked
c.                   Cooked well
                  d.           Raw cooked